Monday, September 8, 2014

The Book of Kells

A portrait of Columba.
The Book of Kells is a beautiful and commanding ancient Irish illuminated manuscript. The manuscript supposedly originated in the historic town of Kells, about 20 miles west of the Irish Channel. It is rumored that the manuscript was written and illuminated there in honor of St. Columba. However the last few pages which would have given the scribe, illuminator, and place of origin have been gone for many years.

The town of Kells today.
     Origin aside, it is a wonder that the Book of Kells survives to be with us today. The town of Kells and the surrounding area struggled with continuous foreign aggression from the ninth century to the end of the tenth century. In 899 the Abbey was pillaged, and in 918 the town was again plundered and the church destroyed. There are at least 5 other historical records of the area being pillaged during the period, mostly by the Danes and Leinster people. The book was lost for some time. It was recorded in the year 1006 that the “large Gospel of Colum Cille...the chief relic of the western world” was stolen from the church at Kells. Then, much later, it was found hidden under sod, albeit without its original gold-covered binding. It’s remarkable that this piece of history survived such a tumultuous time!

    Ornate pages from the Book of Kells.

     In its current state, the manuscript is comprised of 339 pages of glazed vellum decorated with brilliant coloring and elaborate, interlaced ornaments. One of the most beautiful illuminations in the manuscript is a full-page illustration of the Virgin and Child. Professor Westwood gives a thorough description of the page and its details:
This singular composition is interesting from the proof it affords of the veneration of the Virgin Mary in the early Irish Church; the large size in which she is represented, as well as the glory round her head (which singularly bears three small crosses), evidently indicating the high respect with which the Mother of Christ was regarded. The infant Saviour, it will be observed, is destitute of the nimbus; the chair or throne on which the Virgin is seated is not devoid of elegance, terminating above in the dog's head with an immensely elongated interlaced tongue. The drawing of the whole is entirely puerile, whilst the ingenuity displayed in the intricate patterns of the sides and upper part of the drawing is quite remarkable. This singular interlacing of the limbs of human figures is peculiarly characteristic of the Irish MSS., and it is accordingly found in the Gospels of MacRegol and the Book of St. Chad. The instrument held by the Angel at the right hand of the foot of the drawing is worthy of remark, being analogous to one of the sceptres held by St. Luke in the Book of St. Chad. 
Virgin and Child from the Book of Kells.

     In addition to Westwood’s dialogue, there are a few curiosities on this page which may be noted. The Virgin’s abnormally large size parallels with sculptures found on monolith crosses outside of St. Columba’s house at Kells. In addition, the figure of Christ is much larger than the attendant figures. This is an early Irish convention used to show importance. Another feature shown is a group of six figures in the small panel to the lower right. They are all turned away from the main figures, and historians note that there is no other instance of miniatures portrayed this way in the Virgin and Child. Lastly, and perhaps the most curious of all, is that the feet of the Virgin are both right feet, and those of Christ are both left feet! There has been no explanation for why the image is portrayed this way.

Crosses in Kells displaying imagery similar to that in the Book of Kells.
     This is just a brief overview of the history and beauty that is contained in the Book of Kells. For individuals who are interested in learning more, the entire manuscript is available for download onto the iPad. While it is a small comparison to seeing the beautiful pages in person, it is a wonderful way to experience the beauty of the manuscript anywhere. You can also learn more about the Book of Kells in the documentary featured below, which is free to watch on Youtube.

Visit to download the full manuscript for the iPad.



  1. I really loved your post. It had lots of great information! I'm really impressed that you added information from Prof. Westwood, I liked reading his commentary on the page. I got to visit the Book of Kells this past semester and it was so beautiful. I love all the details in the borders, particularly the intricate knots and animal symbolism. I particularly appreciated the documentary that you posted. I learned so much!

  2. Really nice layout of your post. Can I say you made this very visually attractive. Nice job finding images. I can't believe you can download it on an I-Pad, I want to see if I can find that app, that sounds great! Also nice job finding a good video on it as well.

    How incredible that the Book of Kells did survive so much. There is something really rich about this beautiful work surviving and being named after a town that was so regularly destroyed or attacked. It sounds almost biblical. The quote you give is a little long. I'd quote a couple of sentences if they're really good and then put things in your own words. Nice job pointing out some of the curiosities yourself. I like the images of the crosses as well, maybe just an additional thought or two as to how they tie into the book of Kells? Nice work.

  3. I still can't believe how beautiful those pages are! It's sad to think that the gold binding is currently missing, but do you know where the Book of Kells currently resides today? Is it in Kells? For as ornate the lettering is above, I found the image of Virgin and Child not to the same caliber of beauty. Maybe it's because I am not a fan of that style of drawing, but I found the pages filled with the ornate lettering to be much more beautiful.

  4. Durer is one of my favorite printmakers and artist. His concepts and design and original scenes blow my mind away. Other artists I enjoy looking at with his caliber of work is Botticelli, Rembrant, Rubens, and Escher. All different time periods but at the same mastery of artistic skill.

  5. I love illuminations. The Book of Kells is super gorgeous. It's been fun comparing all the different books we covered in class. I love the information you included about the Book of Kells' history, how it survived despite being lost. It's rather remarkable.

  6. Ive always loved learning more about the book of Kells. Maybe its because its so close to my name... What amazes me the most is that even though the cover is missing, the book was still perserved under sod? Its amazing it was perserved so well considering the wet climate of Ireland? Was the book found still in Kells? Or was it found in another town far away?
